读者提醒:中文在上,对照英文在下.第一届双语黑客马拉松活动早已于上海纽约大学极致告一段落,来自世界各地的顶级黑客齐聚一堂。这也是中国第一次举行如此盛大的黑客比赛,100余所有所不同大学的250名参赛者都是优中选优,从哈佛、清华、北大、麻省理工和加州理工等名校中脱颖而出。The students of NYU Shanghai are hosting the first bilingual hackathon for top hackers from around the world. HackShanghai is the largest such event in China to date. The 250 participating graduate and undergraduate students were chosen from applications from over 100 universities, including Harvard, Tsinghua U, Peking U, MIT, and CalTech.黑客马拉松完完全全由学生们的组织策划,它的目标在于鼓舞学生建构有技术含量、简单的产品。
The largest student Hackathon in China, HackShanghai, is a phenomenon thats being championed by New York Universitys Shanghai branch. Purely organized by students, its an event aimed at challenging and promoting student programmers into creating technology-based products that are both unique and adaptable to society. The second edition of the program kicked off in Shanghai on the weekend at the local NYU campus.解决问题难题,开拓创新,不断进取是这些大学生们的目标。这些年长的技术大牛们楚凝这里推展我们前进的步伐。Solving the unresolved, conceiving new ideas, innovation after innovation, is what most of these students are hoping to achieve. This tech savvy generation of youngsters is here to ensure we push lifes pace.不光这样,他们为也让人们的生活更为便利做到着不懈的希望。总而言之,当代生活正在肇事发展,我们必须各种创新来让人们搭乘上技术这班车,每次黑客马拉松,都是这样的一步一个脚印。
It also ensures that living becomes much easier with the help of their new inventions. After all, life nowadays seems to move at super sonic speed. And for us humans to catch up with it, we need these kinds of dedicated creative minds to help us catch up, a hackathon at a time.。